

National Autism Association

Together, we can help keep kids with ‪#‎autism‬ safe. Download these free wandering-prevention toolkits and share. ‪#‎MissingChildrensDay‬

► Toolkit for caregivers: http://bit.ly/1PPF8BM

► Toolkit for teachers: http://bit.ly/1SLDd5K

Autism and Communication

Restless Hands

I am increasingly convinced that we need to come up with a different set of milestones for how less verbally-inclined people learn language. Over and over, I see studies where researchers and educators work very hard (and not always successfully) to get autistic kids to meet the various stages of typical language development… contrasted with numerous stories in which autistic kids, teens, and even adults finally acquire language skills (verbal or written) in unexpected ways after years of ineffective therapy (well-known examples include Carly, Emma, Tito, Larry and Tracy, and more recently Drew, Mike, and Ethan).

Sometimes, the language acquisition is described as “sudden” or “umprompted.” Other times it is the definite result of deliberate struggle. But in either case, it seems clear to me that the professionals invariably mis-evaluate the person’s communication potential because they are looking for the “typical” developmental stages rather…

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